Program overview
It's a Small World is a two-hour incursion that builds on previous learning and investigates our links with places near and far. Students share their personal stories and see how different places have meaning for different people. Centre teachers share their global links and together we discuss how distance how distance and accessibility influence how often we visit our special places.
Prior to the incursion, students complete a homework activity which involves asking their families/caregivers where in the world (locally or globally) they have familial links, or a place that has special meaning to them. This activity prepares them for the subsequent visit by Centre teachers and provides the chance to reflect on personal connections with places in Australia and around the world.
The incursion itself begins with students mapping their interconnections on an enlarged world map and demonstrating their knowledge of the cardinal points. Connections are further represented in a human graph activity, where we can begin to recognise the range of global connections within the class.
Following this, students create a basic script, which is highly scaffolded by Centre teachers. This forms the basis of their later digital presentation, where they discuss their special place and express the feelings and emotions attached to it.
Curriculum links
Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment - Year 2 - It's a small world
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